Balones is a village of a little over 100 inhabitants situated in the El Comtat region, just opposite Els Frares de Serrella. It stands 663 metres above sea level and its terrain and surroundings make it a perfect spot from which to appreciate the natural beauty and the local flora and fauna from this stopover on the routes around the Sierra de Serrella.
Throughout the Valle de Seta there are numerous centuries-old olive groves that, combined with generations of experience and expertise, make Balones olive oil one of the most prized in the whole Valencia region. Nor should we forget the famous local almond trees, which adorn the entire valley as they blossom and flower in early spring.
As you pass through the small towns and villages of the valley, you cannot help but recognize the commitment of the farming community to the care and respect of the environment, as well as the involvement of small businesses in ensuring sustainable development.
Due to its location remote from large urban cities, the cuisine in the Valle de Seta offers a range of authentic flavours and aromas that transport us back to the old days, while still allowing room for originality and innovation among chefs at the excellent new restaurants that have opened in the area.
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ESSÈNCIES és un projecte de FADIT
Camí del Molí, 1
03841 Alcosser de Planes - Alacant